HPR Field Trial Result Archives
The Worcestershire Gun Dog Society (WGDS) has an extensive archive of results from past field trials for hunt, point retrieve breeds.
This archive is available to browse and search, making it easy to find out how your breed has performed in years past. Results from the trials are listed by year and include the dogs’ names, the judges’ scores, and the winner of each trial. The WGDS also posts photos and videos of the field trials for those who would like to get a better understanding of how the dogs performed. This archive of past results is a great way to get an idea of how your breed or dog has performed in the past.
2017/8 Season
Open HPR Field Trial - 20th of January 2018
Venue GWCT Loddington Shoot, Leicestershire
Fiona Wensley (A2814)
Larry Wilks (B2701)
3rd L. Holmes with Ladyhawke Perdita ( G.S.P. Bitch )
4th Mrs. Hustler with Aytee Juniper ( G.S.P. Bitch )
Mrs. G. Pillinger with Withamfriary Dallas ( G.S.P. Dog )
Guns Choice
L. Holmes with Ladyhawke Perdita ( G.S.P. Bitch )
2017 Season
H.P.R. All Aged Field Trial - 25th of November 2017
Venue Wappenshall Shoot, Telford. By kind permission of Jonathan Crow
Maureen Nixon (A2158)
Nigel Dear (B3263)
1st Mrs Sarah Jenkins with Ch Kimax Koming Home at Gerstenfeld ( G.W.P. Bitch )
2nd Mr Tom Warner with Sanjika Beretta ( I.S. Bitch )
3rd Mrs Karen Saynor with Ekkolander Tullibardine ( L.M. Bitch )
4th Mrs Suzanna Mills with Karrouki Windfire ( H.V. Dog )
Guns Choice
Mr Tom Warner with Sanjika Beretta ( I.S. Bitch )
H.P.R. All Aged Field Trial - 13th of October 2017
Venue Norton (Honeybourne). By kind permission of Norman Onens
Di Arrowsmith (A2167)
Peter Szalai (NP)
2nd Mr W Pearson with Spots Glory ( 3 year old G.W.P. )
3rd Mrs G Pillinger with Witham Friary Tallahassee ( 3 year old G.S.P. )
Guns Choice
Mr W Pearson with Spots Glory ( 3 year old G.W.P. )
Thank you for the WGDS to invite me along with Mrs. Di Arrowsmith (A panel) to judge their HPR trial. Perfect ground to assess dogs ability on long yellow grass what proved to be a home of many pheasant and both English and French partridges. Weather was overcast in the morning but turned to be sunny later on with a fair wind all day.
We lost many dogs during the day from inexperience of wind directions or making eliminating faults but their all work toward the goal to be trusted hunting partners along their owner. Two dogs went to the awards thanks to their steady and constant performance on their runs.
Witham Friary Tallahassee GSP handled by Mrs. Pillinger. Dog worked headwind with hedges on the left where she pointed and flushed also stayed steady for a pheasant which landed after 2 shots over the hedge and unfortunately not been picked. Her second bird was worked and ended up in the middle of a heavy bramble overgrown and not been picked. We called the pair back to a retrieve what she picked after some handling and satisfied our requirements. On her second run she proved can hit the back wind with speed and style but no bird under her given time. On the third run she worked but not be able to produce a rigid point on a partridge. The bird been picked and delivered tenderly to hand. After the successful water retrieve the pair were awarded 3rd place.
Spots Glory GWP handled by Mr. Pearson. In her first run after moving from a field to another she came on point in the open after a few minutes hunting and remained steady to flush and fall. Marked and retrieved the game perfectly. On her 2nd run she worked back wind where she was not as confident but handled it fairly well. She has been called for a blind what she picked and deliver to hand. On her 3rd run she hunted and pointed a partridge what she picked and gave back to her handler. After a successful water test they have been awarded 2nd place.
Thanks for all the competitors to anticipate and all the helpers guns and obviously Mrs. Arrowsmith to make the day enjoyable for us all. Hope I will see you all again out in the field working your dogs and enjoying it as it is all about that.
Sincerly Peter Szalai
H.P.R. Novice AV Field Trial - 6th of October 2017
Venue Wappenshall Shoot, Telford. By kind permission of Jonathan Crow
Eddie Hales (A2184)
Ray Davies (B2956)
Ground: Root crops Game Cover.Hedgerows.Stubble/Grass Fields.Dry Grass covered Ditches.
Weather: Slightly damp to start but as day progressed became quite warm.
Scenting Conditions remained good all the day.
1st QUESTOR LLEWELYN [GLP] [H] Dr. Lindsey Whitley
First run started on stubble/grass field interspersed with round rolled corn bales, covering ground with nice pace/style along whole line of guns, with quiet handler who achieved to get dog in right location to make the most of the wind direction to utilise the scenting condition, as dog remained responsive to handler all the time of run, making good around all the rolled bales of any game.
Coming to end of the field with a facing hedgerow, indicated presence of game, remaining steady so coming onto firm point, when guns in position was asked by handler to produce game, whereby 5 partridges rose in two flights, one of the second flight being shot, a runner landing over hedgerow on right, dog remained steady, so sent for retrieve being a strong runner, which it located and brought tenderly to hand,slight damage so informed that another bird will be seen on next run, so picked up.
Second Run started in lower section of root cover crop, showing again nice dog work over the ground and along the gun line, while on left nearing hedgerow line indicated presence of game,immediately coming onto a firm point when flushing presented a number of partridges at different and difficult angles for the guns, but one was shot by the right flanking gun, falling out in the stubble/grass field, dog remained steady to shot. Dog sent for the retrieve which needed a little more handler control to get to fall of partridge, which was brought nicely to hand.
Continued the run along hedgerow between root crops and adjacent stubble field,working steadily indicated strongly presence game, whereby one broke to the left other side of hedgerow,that was shot by left flanking gun, so dog brought through to execute a 35 yard blind retrieve back to hand after initial help from handler. Asked to continue along this hedge when getting to last 50 yards, came on firm point on some thick millet game cover out on the right, when asked to flush, produced a number of partridges, one being shot in the cover, dog remained steady. When asked to retrieve it worked the fall area and found so bringing to hand tenderly the bird, so picked up
Water retrieve was Good. A very rewarding ‘Partnership’ seen by the judges today so well deserved award.
4th TOURNESOL INDULGENCE [BRIT] Mr. John Cotterell. (Also Gun’s Award)
First run started in root cover crop showing steady pace with input from handler to cover the ground and gun line, so while coming from the right side pointed on some root cover whereby a single partridge rose on the left by hedgerow line, which was shot by that flanking gun, dog was steady to shot. On command the dog was sent to fall for the retrieve which was to be a strong runner, so the dog travelled down the field side. When asked by judges to call back, the handler had no response to recall back to fall by handler, so one judge with handler and gun went forward in case found on point, which it was , so number of partridges rose none being shot, So handler recalling dog back to line and being picked up.
Second run started again in another root cover crop field showing, more pace and style and along the gun line, half-way into run came on firm point, producing on command a single partridge that was shot by centre gun, dog remained steady. Dog sent for retrieve which was brought tenderly to hand, so picked up. Water retrieve Good
The judges saw nice dog work during the trial in some, alas being let down by handler errors, even basic expectations in effective use of wind directions to harness the good scenting conditions, by allowing too much freedom. While other handlers not effecting steadiness and good retrieving skills, but feel with positive future outcomes of handling skills will show rewards to come in the future.
Many thanks to our host Mr Johnathan Crow and Wrekin Sport, allowing us to use his shoot, alongside his very supportive keeper who kept us in the game all through the day efficiently with humour. Our guns who all shot well putting down many challenging retrieves, plus our chief steward/field trail secretary Mr Lloyd Birch in a very effective manner keeping up supply with dogs when needed. But not least to my fellow senior judge Mr.Eddie Hales, for his support,experience, observations and firmness in the expectations which I very much appreciated, and hope we do share another day in the future.
Ray Davies, HPR ‘B’ Panel Judge..
HPR Field Trial Results
Stake 1 - All Aged HPR Field Trial
14th October 2022
The Long Mynd, Shropshire
Suzi Burton A2996 and Peter McCullough NP
1st Place
Ekkolander Dark Rivva LM (bitch) – Karen Saynor
2nd Place
no award
3rd Place
Miadsc Make A Wish At Lassanayi HWV (bitch) – Devaki Belassie-Page
4th Place
Warrendown Black Pearl at Ganninyem GSP (bitch) – Rory Major
Goldstar Miss Teeq From Szajani (Imp. USA) HV (bitch) – Handler: Rory Major
Guns Choice
Caydenbyrig Marin GLP (bitch) - Frances Smart
Stake 2 - Novice HPR Field Trial
5th January 2023
Somerford Hall, Staffordshire by kind permission of the late Mr Martin Daniels and the Roundhill Shoot
Steve Robson A2863 and Louise Holmes NP
1st Place Harriet Lampart with Aytee Lolita
2nd Place Lucie Hustler with Aytee Oceania
3rd Place n/a
4th Place n/a
CoM n/a
Guns Choice Harriet Lampart with Aytee Lolita